Friday, May 7, 2010

Tok, Alaska

Finally here! Back in the states. In Alaska. Holy shit. And one more day until Anchorage. We made the long trek up from Whitehorse, stopped here for a bit for lunch, and then made our way up to Delta Junction to see the official end of the Alcan. Now we can say we did the entire 1422 mile journey. Then it was time to head back to Tok (sounds like poke) for the night. More beautiful scenery, of course, but there was something about driving towards a town called Destruction Bay while listening to Springsteen sing "This Land is Your Land" that filled me with a powerful dose of melancholy.

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly beautiful...It must be a weird sensation to be back in the states but also to be in Alaska..and listening to Bruce. That would be a whirlwind of emotions for me. Confusing, new, scary and incredibly fascinating. I'm such a homebody that even when I leave NJ for a short period of time, I cling to things that define home (especially music, mainly the bouncing souls)...when I was out in California those few times I took extreme comfort in listening to east coast music, despite how much I loved being out there and how much it had the potential to feel like home. Springsteen and Alaska. It's a strange but cool paradox. Being "back in states," but in a land that, to me at least, would probably feel SO foreign. Maybe I'm overestimating Alaska...afterall, Sarah Palin is out there and she's as American (blech) as they come.
