Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Racing Glaciers

Been some ups and downs and back ups since last I wrote. There was a distinct possibility of a job which has yet to materialize. There was an ad for someone looking for a housemate. It was a bit far out of town, but being a beggar I couldn't exactly turn it down. Of course it was already taken when I called. I heard news of three other places where the scheduled summer employees have yet to appear, places where I have already applied. Checking back has resulted in a whole lot more "we'll let you know" responses. Yesterday I was treated to the mind blowing experience of Flightseeing the Alaskan Range. You're flown up over Denali National Park in a small, single engine plane and given an air tour of the mountains and glaciers that make up the range. It is breathtaking. A singular experience that I really cannot shape into words. Here's a few of the million pics I took (that also do the real thing no justice). 

Best flight service in the land.

Glaciers, glaciers everywhere...

Billions of tons of ice moving at three feet a day.

Bashful Denali.

More glacier and the Alaska Range.

A little avalanche.

Crazy beautiful up here.

Our intrepid pilot, Tyler. Master of the glacier landing.

The view from Ruth's Amphitheater.

Another view from the glacier.

So that was a big part of the upswing yesterday. And then I wake up this morning to find out that the hostel is full tonight, so I don't have a place to sleep. Luckily I bought a sleeping bag before I left, in case it gets cold spending the night in my car. Also, while I was typing this and uploading the photos, I got a call back and start work at a local restaurant on Saturday. I don't know if I'm beating the glacier, but I am making progress. 


  1. I am sooooooooooo glad that you are there! I am enjoying your experience vicariously!

  2. Wonderful pictures. I'm glad that you chose to write and allow me to live vicariously through you.

  3. Progress is good. One concrete step forward at a time.

  4. Glad you found work, enjoying your writing and pictures.
