I also got my new toy today, courtesy of the Indianapolis Colts, The New England Patriots, the NY Jets, the St. Louis Rams, and yes, even the dreaded (shudder) Philadelphia Eagles; all of whom won their respective games this past weekend in an attempt to get me a bit of money from the local sports book. If Tampa could have scored another point it would have been a perfect weekend. In any case, I got me a digital camera. The Canon PowerShot S500 to be exact. Something new to play with. And since the battery it came with was nice enough to have a bit of charge, here we go:
If they ever invent Talent Transplant surgery, I want this guy to be my donor:
Dan Auerbach
the band that saved rock and roll:
Patrick Carney and Dan
I wish I could see them again tomorrow night. But alas...
In any case, I think I'll be attending a Tegan and Sara show soon, and I'm going to see Mindy Smith this Friday. Yep, me, the same kid who routinely thrashed around like a retard in a centrifuge at hardcore shows for most of his young life, seeing chick bands. But ef it, that's what I like. Even if it won't ever compare to the amazing awesomeness that is the Black Keys. Ok, I'll shut up about them now. MOLE! Sorry. Moley moley moley. The Black Keys rule!
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